
The PROTECTRAIL objective is to provide a viable integrated set of railway security solution, by considering:

The integration will follow an innovative way and will extend the scope of the project beyond the mission addressed by the EC call.

PROTECTRAIL will develop mission oriented solution vs. asset-specific threats and will make them interoperable by designing a modular architectural framework where each solution can be “plugged”.

PROTECTRAIL will also provide the basis for a streamlined process of federation, integration and interoperability of the developed solutions

The project will ensures that appropriate solutions and innovations are favored over isolated questions and solution, and will represent a comprehensive and scalable answers to rail security.

The assumption made is that on this frame of solutions, each railway operator in Europe should be able to compose its integration of existing technological tools by using the same architecture according to its own needs, requirements and budget, and subsequently assess the security potential of the solution.

In the dissemination process the project will initiate a cooperation framework with the National and EU authorities and the standardization bodies, in view of future proposals for recommendations to be adopted, for enhancing security in railway context


The PROTECTRAIL " building blocks" conceptPROTECTRAIL will tackle the railway security problem from a layered “system integration” perspective.

The concept of the project is to address this main goal by dividing the global mission into a limited number of submissions that respond to well identified needs/concerns of rail operators, within a framework of general coherence and integration of technical and organizational solutions.

Each sub-mission oriented solution will cover significant areas of interest, resulting both from specific risk analysis and from users priorities (rail operator and infrastructures managers). By selecting the performance goals, for each sub mission will be defined, developed and demonstrated effective solutions in terms of system architecture, technology deployment, procedures, tools and organizations to manage specific threat scenarios.

Security sub-missions


Expected results

The main scientific and technological expected results of the project are to:

The project will show the implementation potential of short/medium term solutions.

The project will also vision out the development of prospected solutions to match
the future challenges.

The market up-take potential is guaranteed by the participation of:


42 Months (September 2010 - March 2014)


